LVT Test Laboratories


Hizmetimiz olan Pano Tip Testi, Tip Testi, EMC Testi, LVD Testi, Kısa Devre Testi ve Ürün Belgelendirmeleri ile ilgili makalelerimize ulaşabilirsiniz.

IP Testi IEC 60529

IP Testi IEC 60529

Elektriğin tarihi her ne kadar daha eskilere dayansa da 20. yüzyılının ikinci yarısında hayatımıza entegre olmaya başlayan elektrikli cihazların olumlu sonuçları tartışılmazdır. Olumlu sonuçları ile beraber yanında ciddi riskleri de getiren elektrikli cihazların bazı olumsuz sonuçları da maalesef kaçınılmaz olmuştur. Günümüzde teknoloji sürekli gelişmekte ve daha ileri bir seviyeye ulaşmaktadır. S...
LVD Test: Product Safety

LVD Test: Product Safety

LVD Test : OverviewAll manufacturers are obliged to provide the necessary safety conditions for the products they put on the market. As markets grow, this requirement has become an international requirement. The requirement of product safety is a globally accepted topic.Although security has different meanings, it will be possible to catch a common expression that will comprehend all approaches wh...
Panel Type Test

Panel Type Test

Panel type tests or tests required for design verification are tests that guarantee reliability and safety. In order to show that the design meets the rules of the relevant panel standard, type tests on a panel sample or sections of the panels are performed in independent laboratories accredited in TS EN 61439 series standards.The importance of panel type tests shows how durable and long-lasting t
EMC Standards

EMC Standards

In EMC tests, testing the device or system according to the most appropriate standards is one of the most critical stages. EMC Standards define related terms, rules and EMC test methods. In addition, EMC standards specify EMC emission test limits for electromagnetic emissions, EMC immunity test levels, and performance criteria for devices tested against EMC immunity tests.EMC Standards help make m
Electromagnetic Compatibility Tests (EMC Tests)

Electromagnetic Compatibility Tests (EMC Tests)

Increasing automation, wireless communication and security requirements these days reveal the importance of EMC tests more. The reason for this is to ensure the smooth and safe operation of electronic and electromechanical devices or systems.EMC is short for Electromagnetic Compatibility. Electromagnetic Compatibility means that electronic and electromechanical devices and systems perform their in
Product Certification

Product Certification

WHAT IS PRODUCT CERTIFICATION?As a product certification body accredited by TÜRKAK, we provide the most appropriate service to the needs of the producer and the consumer, as well as providing the third party assurance that the product complies with the specified standards. The product certificate certifies that the product is consistently produced in accordance with the same standards. This proces...
LVD Test IEC 62368-1

LVD Test IEC 62368-1

This part of IEC 62368 is a product safety standard that classifies energy sources, specifies protection measures against these energy sources, and provides guidance on their application and requirements. The prescribed safety measures are aimed at reducing the possibility of pain, injury and property damage in the event of fire.IEC 62368-1 is applicable to the safety of electrical and electronic
Radiated Emission Test

Radiated Emission Test

Radiated Emission (RE) TestELEKTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY (EMC) - RADIATED EMISSION TESTRadiated Emission (RE)EMC Test which is the electromagnetic compatibility of a device or system is checked. Electromagnetic Compatibility Test (EMC Test) is aimed to operate any electrical and electronic device or system without being affected by and affecting other devices or systems in the environment. The EMC...
Conducted Emission Test

Conducted Emission Test

Conducted Emission ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY (EMC) - CONDUCTED EMISSION TESTConducted Emission EMC Test which is the electromagnetic compatibility of a device or system is checked. In the Electromagnetic Compatibility Test (EMC Test) is aimed to operate any electrical and electronic device or system without being affected by and affecting other devices or systems in the environment. The EMC Te
IEC 61326-1 Standard

IEC 61326-1 Standard

IEC 61326-1 StandardELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT FOR MEASUREMENT, CONTROL AND LABORATORY USE - EMC REQUIREMENTS - Part 1: GENERAL REQUIREMENTSTS EN 61326-1 standard is one of the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) product standards. Measurement, control and laboratory product manufacturers design their products according to TS EN 61326-1 standard and have them tested (EMC Test). TS EN 61326-1 standard El...