LVT Test Laboratories



In our country, the Turkish Accreditation Agency (TÜRKAK) affiliated to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs provides the accreditation of conformity and assessment institutions. TÜRKAK was established on 27.10.1999 in Ankara. TÜRKAK ensures that compliance and evaluation institutions operate in accordance with national and international standards, and the acceptance of the documents they produce as a result of these activities is accepted nationally and internationally. TÜRKAK is a member of the European Accreditation Association (EA), the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and the International Laboratory Accreditation Association (ILAC).

The European Accreditation Association (EA) evaluates members of the National Accreditation Agency (NAB), which assesses certification and inspection bodies, validation and certification bodies of test, medical and calibration laboratories.

The International Accreditation Forum (IAF) is a worldwide organization created by organizations dealing with the accreditation of certification bodies.

Eligibility including International Laboratory Accreditation Association (ILAC), calibration laboratories (ISO / IEC 17025 standard), test laboratories (ISO / IEC 17025 standard), medical test laboratories (ISO / IEC 15189 standard) operating in accordance with ISO / IEC 17011. is an international organization that is included in the accreditation processes of evaluation institutions.

LVT TEST LABORATORIES was accredited by TURKAK in 2009 in accordance with EN ISO / IEC 17025 standard within the scope of Turkey has been accredited as the first independent laboratory.

LVT TEST LABORATORIES was accredited by TÜRKAK in 2014 in accordance with EN ISO / IEC 17065 product certification standard.

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