LVT Test Laboratories
EN 50293 Standard
EN 50293 Standard

TS EN 50293 standardı, Elektromanyetik Uyumluluk (EMC) ürün standartlarından biridir. Karayolu trafik sinyal sistemleri ve trafik işaret üreticileri, ürünlerini TS EN 50293 standardına göre tasarlar v

EN 50293 Standard

EN 50293 Standard

TS EN 50293/ EN 50293:2012 Standard

Electromagnetic compatibility - Product Standard for Road traffic signal systems

EN 50293 is Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) product family standard. Road traffic signal system product manufacturers design their products according to EN 50293 standard and have them tested (EMC Test). EN 50293 standard specifies the emission and immunity tests requirements for road traffic signal system apparatus.

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Tests:

Electromagnetic Compatibility Tests (EMC Test) are aimed to operate any electrical and electronic device or system without being affected by and affecting other devices or systems in the environment. EMC Tests are examined in 2 general categories as immunity and emission.

Emission Tests specified in EN 50293;

  • Radiated Emission Test - CISPR 32 / EN 55032
  • Conducted Emission Test - CISPR 32 / EN 55032
  • Harmonics Test - EN 61000-3-2
  • Flicker Test - EN 61000-3-3

Immunity Tests specified in CISPR 14-2;

  • Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Test - EN 61000-4-2
  • Radiated Immunity Test - EN 61000-4-3
  • Electrical Fast Transients / Burst Test - EN 61000-4-4
  • Surge Testi - EN 61000-4-5
  • Conducted Immunity Test - EN 61000-4-6
  • Voltage Dips and Interruptions Test - EN 61000-4-11


Immunity Test Specifications


EMC Test

Test Specifications



IEC 61000-4-2

Contact: ±4 kV

Air:±8 kV

Radiated Immunity 

IEC 61000-4-3

80 MHz – 1 GHz (10 V/m)

%80 AM – 1 kHz

Radiated Immunity 

IEC 61000-4-3

60 A/m

50-60 Hz


Voltage dips - Interruptions 

IEC 61000-4-11

EN 50556:2011, clasuse 4.5 


IEC 61000-4-4

1 kV (5/50 ns, 5 kHz)


IEC 61000-4-5

Line to line;1 kV

Line to ground;2 kV

Conducted Immunity 

IEC 61000-4-6

10 V (150 kHz to 80 MHz)



IEC 61000-4-4

1 kV (5/50 ns, 5 kHz)


IEC 61000-4-5

Line to line;0,5 kV

Line to ground;1 kV

Conducted Immunity 

IEC 61000-4-6

10 V (150 kHz to 80 MHz)

Performance criteria

Performance criterion A;

No change shall be observable in the operation. The traffic system shall conform to the standards EN 50556, EN 12368 and EN 12675.

Performans criterion B;

There shall be no degradation of safety requirements. There shall be no alteration in the operating mode or of the stored data (Timings, fault logs etc.). It is acceptable for the signals to switch on or off for a period less than the maximum failure detection time. It is acceptable for an additional vehicle to be detected or for the presence of a vehicle not to be detected during the period of the disturbance.