LVT Test Laboratories
Radiated Emission Test
Radiated Emission Test

EMC Testi, bir cihazın veya sistemin elektromanyetik uygunluğunun kontrol edildiği testlerdir. Elektromanyetik Uyumluluk Testinde (EMC Testi), herhangi bir elektrikli ve elektronik cihazın veya sistem

Radiated Emission Test

Radiated Emission Test

Radiated Emission (RE) Test


Radiated Emission (RE)

EMC Test which is the electromagnetic compatibility of a device or system is checked. Electromagnetic Compatibility Test (EMC Test) is aimed to operate any electrical and electronic device or system without being affected by and affecting other devices or systems in the environment. The EMC Test is generally divided into two categories as Immunity EMC Test and Emission EMC Test. The test limit values and test methods specified in the standards used in EMC Test applications may vary according to the characteristics of the device or system.

Radiated Emission (RE) test is one of the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) emission tests (EMC Test) in which the electromagnetic disturbances emitted by electrical and electronic devices by radiation are measured.

The electrical and electronic device tested in the Radated Emission (RE) test was placed in a semi-anechoic chamber (SAC), similar to an open test area (OATS), only a shielded (metal) room. That is why it is useful and a much easier method to distinguish between RF signals and background signals from the device. The interior of a Semi Anechoic Chamber is lined with RF absorbing material, so reflected signals are kept to a minimum. Without these absorbers, the measurement antenna contributes an immeasurable signal from wall and ceiling reflections and its measurements are quite inaccurate. Rooms are quite expensive, but are a good solution for EMI measurement in a noisy environment. 

EMC Standards set limits for each product group that limit the propagation. 

General Measurement frequency range starts from 30 MHz and test limits may change depending on product features and applied standard. Below you can see a sample emission chart that we have carried out in our laboratory.


Electromagnetic emissions are measured with an antenna located between three and ten meters from the device, commonly referred to as the equipment under test (EUT). 

During tests, the EUT is rotated 360 degrees, while the devices record emission levels at different rotating angles and antenna heights.

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